Posts Tagged ‘Web Pages’

Configuring GOOGLE sitemap for web page Index

Configuring google sitemap for web page Index Google sitemap is for suggesting information to google regarding your website like page imporance and updated web pages.Do it right now and google spiders and robots will follow your suggestion through google sitemap and it will be XML Format. Once you have created the google sitemap file, place […]

How Search Engines Work (and Sometimes Don’t)

You know how important it is to score high in the SERPs. But your site isn’t reaching the first three pages, and you don’t understand why. It could be that you’re confusing the web crawlers that are trying to index it. How can you find out? Keep reading.You have a masterful website, with lots of […]

10 SEO Tips

It is not hard to be barking up the wrong tree when it comes to getting search engine traffic because there is so much out of date information being circulated. That is why it is always best to also learn many other traffic generation methods like viral marketing for example. Not only is there out […]